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The Guilt-free Bible Reading Program

Here's another Bible Reading option for you to consider utilizing throughout 2017! 

The Guilt-free Bible Reading Program empowers the reader to pursue delight over duty. Its creator, Pastor Dustin Battles, is on to something! This removes the guilt factor from spending time with God in his Word. After all, delight will get us so much farther in living for God than duty ever will.

Dusitn says,

I call it a program and not a plan because it doesn’t get you through the Bible in a certain time frame like most plans. You just read as fast or slow as you like and finish when you whenever you finish!

The Bible books are in a mostly chronological (rather than canonical) order, so that you can read it with a rough timeline in mind.

There are 3 boxes for each book to correspond with the 3 times you could theoretically read through the Bible in this way.

I put Psalms and Proverbs in their own category since these are best read at a slower pace than other books.

As you consider reading through the Bible, consider using this resource!


HT: Jonathan Matias and Dustin Battles